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I’m extremely happy with the results, not only have my age spots gone, my skin also feels much smoother

Pigmented lesions, age spots or freckles
Pigmented lesions such as age spots or freckles can be successfully lightened or removed with Intense Pulsed Light. Birthmarks and other deeper, larger areas of pigmentation can be successfully treated with a Q-Switched Laser system.

Discolouration and sun damage are a key sign of ageing, with an increase in pigmented lesions you will experience uneven skin tone and a lack of radiance. This non-invasive treatment uses laser or intense pulsed light (IPL) to break down the targeted cells, while stimulating collagen and elastin production, creating a more flawless, youthful, and glowing appearance.

How does the treatment work?
Intense Pulsed Light systems release short pulses of filtered light that is readily absorbed by the high concentration of melanin found within freckles, sun spots or liver spots. The rapid absorption of light energy heats the melanin and causes the destruction of the melanin-rich cells.

Am I suitable for treatment?
Most people are suitable for treatment except for very dark skinned or tanned individuals. However, large, dark, mottled or raised pigmentation cannot be treated and may need to be checked by a dermatologist.

How many treatments are necessary?
The number of treatments will depend on the type and size of the pigmented lesion.

Consultation Procedure
Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation in order to confirm suitability.

Our options for treating hyperpigmentation

  1. Lynton Lumina
  2. Q Plus Evo